Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Again, another delayed post due to problems. My unit (well me and our Committee Chairman) did a booth at the Scout-O-Rama last weekend. We did catapults. It was a tun of fun.
I did have one boy in our unit actually come and help out of a bit. Thanks Jacob! You did great.

Cari brought the kids for a bit so I was able take them around and play for an hour or so.
The pictures I was able to get of them don't really show off half of what was there. Lainey keeps asking when we get to go again. She is excited it happens every year.

For those that are Lego lovers like me (and some of my scouts - Scott, Mason, Ethan, & Jordan) this is for you!

1 comment:

Jane said...

I am sad we had to miss it, James would have died over those legos!