So I started out this morning at 8:30 taking my girls over to my sister-in-law, so I could make an emergency trip to the dentist. As Lance and I sat waiting in the waiting room at the hospital on Monday, and I realized that I was missing part of a tooth/filling. It didn't hurt so I thought no big deal, I'll just get it filled and be on my way. They did x-rays, and told me that I might need a root canal and a crown! UUUHHHHGGGG!!!! He needed to drill into it to find out. He numbed me up and went to work. Good news is I don't need a root canal but I do need a crown. I went and picked up the girls, and off we went to my sisters work. She is a corporate trainer for Mrs Fields Cookies. They have what is called store day, which means free cookies and free TCBY. The girls really like going to their aunt's work. Bonus, grandma was there too. I always get a dozen cookies to take over to Lance's work. Trying to get there we got stuck at 2 rail road crossing, there was a train stuck at both. After lots of dead ends and backtracking we finally made it to Lance's work. While we were there Lance told me he will probably go on another trip to Singapore. He will go there the week before his India trip. He will be gone for 3 weeks! I think I'll go crazy before all his trips are over.
I want dibs on some of those cookies. ;) Sounds like you will be quite the busy mom. Let me know what I can do to help out. Hopefully the weather will eventually warm up again so the girls can get some outside time in.
Sounds crazy to me! Lance does so much traveling! I hope that someday it will slow down or that he can take you with him! Good luck!
BTW Can you call ME and tell you what you are having? I really want to know!
Love Ya!
I am sorry to end your dad so horribly with the worst movie ever!! I totally feel responsible for some reason. Gosh, a dentist visit, find out your husband is leaving and a ROTTEN movie. At least the company was good, I had fun in the car visiting with you girls. Next time lets get the movie right!
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