The girls have been asking Cari all week if they can have a bath in "Mommy's tub." Since it is hard for her to bend over edges of our tub she has told them they needed to wait until Saturday when Daddy is home. Well, it is Saturday and we let the bubbles fly!! :-) Lately, Lilly hasn't been into bubbles much. She usually doesn't want them and wants to get our when we have bubbles. Today she had a grand time!
Now at this point you are wondering what the avoidance means in the title - let me explain. I have what is termed the "Jessup Eyebrow." Cari has dec
ided that today (right now) she wants to "fix" the problem. This is my excuse to postpone the inevitable. She actually has set the kitchen timer so I can't get out of it. I have less then 2 minutes last I heard. Maybe if I keep typing I can put it off longer. Wait I think I need to make an appointment for the Bishop - since no one calls me back I need to go knock on their door. Maybe I'll try that excuse. :-) Probably not, she is hovering over me now waiting for me to finish..... We'll what happens. I'm sure I can put it off some more. :-)
How did your avoidance techniques work Lance??? :)
They didn't. I got him! I didn't go nuts but there is now a difference between his hairline and his eyebrow.
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